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About This Guide

You Should Run, Here’s Why

State and local elected officials make decisions that impact our lives every day — our reproductive rights, what students learn in schools, how neighborhoods are policed, which potholes are fixed, and so much more. Here is a rundown of a few state and local positions you can run for in your community.

We hope this can serve as a resource to determine the best fit for your skills and the impact you are looking to make. It’s important to note that there is a great deal of variation state to state and jurisdiction to jurisdiction – election years, term lengths, duties, and compensation can look vastly different. Each State or locality determines for themselves how often elections are held and for which specific offices. 

The positions outlined here are commonly elected in jurisdictions across the country and are a good starting point when considering running for local office. For additional positions, please check out this resource.  While this guide is a launching point, specific information about running in your jurisdiction must be researched and confirmed through your local election office.

What’s Run for Something?

Run for Something is committed to recruiting and supporting young, diverse progressives seeking to run for local office. Learn more about our work at and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, X, and Facebook.

Support Our Work

Run for Something thrives on grassroots power in all forms. Every dollar fuels our mission to recruit the next generation of political decision-makers. Chip in to help us support young, diverse, progressive candidates who will fight for our fundamental rights.

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